Five Star Marketing coordinates a temporary in-line leasing program (of available stores) in the following shopping centres:

Brentwood Town Centre (Burnaby)

Central City (Surrey)

Lougheed Town Centre (Burnaby)

Scottsdale Centre (Delta)

Generally the term of a lease is 12 months, with the option to renew. There are many benefits to temporary leasing, such as:

  • Not being tied in to a long term lease
  • Having the option to renew after a one year term, change location within the centre if preferred, or move to another one of the centres we lease in
  • Paying substantially less rent than a long term lease
  • Not having to spend as much money in tenant upgrades

When you enter into an agreement with us, we remain your contact throughout your lease. We tour each centre and check in our tenants weekly so we are never out of contact with you. We are proud to offer over twenty five years of shopping centre experience and will enthusiastically help you with suggestions on merchandising, lighting, signage, etc.

The monthly rent varies and depends on the size of the location. All utilities, including Hydro, telephone, internet, etc. are the responsibility of the tenant.


4567 Lougheed Hwy., Burnaby

  • Located in North Burnaby with easy access from Highway 1, Brentwood offers a great location that’s central to the entire region
  • Brentwood SkyTrain station is directly connected to the site for unparalleled convenience
  • With over 85 shops and services and a focus on excellent service, Brentwood provides an enjoyable guest experience
  • Brentwood is open during construction as the 28 acres at Willingdon and Lougheed are transformed into a premier residential, shopping, entertainment and social community unlike anything this region has ever seen
  • Over 33% of residents are university credentialed
  • Average household income is over $82,000, with 27% of households earning $100,000 or more
  • The income level within a 3 km radius of Brentwood is most favourable (average household income is $87,385)
  • Over 68% of the surrounding homes are owned dwellings (within 3 km)
  • Brentwood has access to nearly 1,000,000 people within a 10 km radius
  • The population of the primary trade area is projected to be over 1 million people by 2022


10153 King George Boulevard, Surrey

The primary trade area for Central City is defined as the regions of Surrey North of 64th Ave, West of 144th Street and East of 120 Street.

There is a considerable variance between primary and secondary markets from a demographic standpoint. The PTA is characterized by below average education levels and high quotient of trade workers. The STA has a higher percentage of University Graduates working in business, finance and management jobs

Population 236,124[1]
[1] Thomas Consultants  Report October 23, 2009
Households 77,500
Household Income $68,900 is the average household income.
  • The median age Population is evenly split.  50% are female and 50% are male.
  • 53% are under the age of 39, 32% are between the ages of 39 and 59 and 16% are over the age of 59.
  • 43% are a visible minority with 60% being Southeast Asian, 10% Filipino and 9% Chinese.
  • Lower levels of education. 11% have a university degree.
  • Married: 54%
  • Average population growth 1.5% annually.
  • Below average retail spending profile: $6,600 average annual per capita spend.
  • The unemployment rate is 8.63%.  This is higher than Province of BC unemployment rate of 6.97%.
  • 3.13 persons per household.  This is consistent with the average for Surrey (3.0) and above the average for the GVRD (2.6).

The secondary trade area for Central City is from 200 Street east to 160th west and by 160th east to Highway 99 west.

Population 241,573
Households 73,998
Household Income $96,400 which is above the average household income of the City of Surrey ($69,114) and the Metro Vancouver Area ($67,673)
  • 50% are female while 50% are male.
  • 54% are under the age of 39, 30% are between the ages of 39 and 59 and 14% are over the age of 59.
  • 28% are a visible minority with 53% being Southeast Asian, 23% Chinese and 6% Filipino.
  • 16% have university degrees, 13% have trade certificate or diploma and the percentage of the population with high school attainment is 31%.
  • The unemployment rate is 4.98%.  This is lower than Province of BC unemployment rate of 6.0%.
  • 1 persons per household.  This is consistent with the average for Surrey (3.0) and above the average for the GVRD (2.6).
  • Married: 60%
  • Population Growth: 2.5% annually
  • Retail Spending Profile: $8,400 average annual per capita spend.


9855 Austin Avenue, Burnaby

Lougheed Town Centre is a shopping centre located in Burnaby, at the corner of Austin Avenue and North Road. It’s anchored by The Bay, Walmart, London Drugs and Safeway, and has over 175 stores and services. With 7,280,000+ annual visits, it’s the primary trade area is Burnaby, the Tri-Cities and New Westminster. Lougheed Town Centre is serviced by a SkyTrain station on the corner of its property.

  • 50% of LTC shoppers visit for 1 hour (the industry average is 20 minutes)
  • 31% of LTC shoppers visit more than once a week.
  • age 18-24 (11%)
  • age 25-34 (16%)
  • age 35-44 (23%)
  • age 45-54 (30%)
  • age 55-64 (14%)
  • age 65 and over (6%)
  • Less than 30 minutes (12%)
  • 31- 60 minutes (29%)
  • 61- 90 minutes (17%)
  • More than 90 minutes (42%)

More than once a week (34%)

  • Once per week (26%)
  • 2 to 3 times per month (27%)
  • Once a month (11%)
  • Less than once per month (2%)
  • Less than $40K (22%)
  • $40K to $60K (31%)
  • 60K to $80K (18%)
  • 80K to $100K (8%)
  • over $100K (9%)
  • Married or Common Law (61%)
  • Single (24%)
  • Divorced/Separated (9%)
  • Widowed (6%)
  • Public transit (17%)
  • Personal vehicle (68%)
  • Other (15%)
  • Employed full-time (52%)
  • Employed part-time (24%)
  • Full-time homemaker (12%)
  • Retired (8%)
  • Unemployed (4%)


7031 – 120th Street, Delta, BC, V4E 2A9

Scottsdale Centre is an enclosed community centre offering over 40 shops and services. It is located on 120th Street which is a main north/south arterial route and a geographical border to western Surrey and trades to New Westminster, South Surrey and White Rock. The busy Scott Road corridor continues to evolve boasting an eclectic collection of ethnic restaurants and cultural boutiques, along with national retailers.

Enclosed Community Centre
266,867 square feet

Walmart: 114,568 square feet
Save-On-Foods: 72,857 square feet

Dollarama 9,163 square feet
BC Liquor store 7,677 square feet

3 km 5 km 10 km
Total Population 97,316 180,793 505,185
Total Households 29,124 55,174 171,218
Average Household Income $96,618 $93,979 $90,832
1,203 stalls